How to Get People to Open Your Emails

Don’t let the MOST important factors in getting a recipient to open your email be an afterthought.

Out of Home (OOH) Advertising’s Digital Transformation

The continuing investments in digital outdoor signage have transformed OOH to digital out of home (DOOH).

Statistical Significance for Marketers

What audience size do you need to get a statistically significant and clear test winner?

Copywriting Powered by AI

AI copywriting is working hard in the lead generation space in emails or pulling prospects further down the sales funnel using educational blog posts and online articles.

Vanity URLs and Their Role in Marketing

When driving eyes from a print piece to somewhere online, a vanity URL CTA will ensure people get there.

When to Hit the Ball INSIDE the Fence – Geofence Basics

What matters is where that mobile device is and if that device is in a place where you would want to reach individuals in that place with an ad impression.

Marketing Automation Platform Blues

The term automation tricks many marketers into thinking that the marketing just happens by itself.

Audio Ads Go Direct & Digital

Transitioning ad budgets from traditional radio to programmatic audio means shifting how audio ads are served to an audience.