The Green Revolution: Making Direct Mail Sustainable and Fun!

Let’s sprinkle some sustainability magic on this old-school marketing tactic!

Beyond The QR Code Scan – Tracking Powered by UTM Codes

Enjoy greater insight into which pages QR code scanners visited after the scan. 

Privacy Compliance & Consumer Communication Preferences

What consumers really need/want is a communications preference center so they can choose what and where they want to see your messaging.

What Marketers Need to Know About QR Code Security

Everything you need to know about QR code security: the risks, definitions and what to really worry about.

Smart Cost Savings Strategies for Direct Marketers

The biggest factors impacting postal and distribution costs are delivery type, how it is sorted, the way it is transported, and where it is delivered.

Sales Lead Quality Over Quantity for Marketers

How can you improve the quality of your sales leads and increase revenue in 2023? Read on…

5 Marketing Strategies to Recession-Proof Your Business

Here are five strategies that businesses can use now to increase sales during a recession.

Make It Easy with QR Codes

QR codes are making it easier to take action while giving you analytics to measure the number of scans for each code.

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