
Local Love: Leveraging Hyper-Local Marketing

The importance of connecting with customers on a personal and local level has never been more crucial for a small business.

Campaign Optimization

Digital Campaign Optimization Basics for Marketers

Analyzing and making sense of your campaign data can be challenging. Read on to understand how to connect the dots in order to optimize your campaigns…

Out of Home (OOH) Advertising’s Digital Transformation

The continuing investments in digital outdoor signage have transformed OOH to digital out of home (DOOH).

Copywriting Powered by AI

AI copywriting is working hard in the lead generation space in emails or pulling prospects further down the sales funnel using educational blog posts and online articles.

When to Hit the Ball INSIDE the Fence – Geofence Basics

What matters is where that mobile device is and if that device is in a place where you would want to reach individuals in that place with an ad impression.

Display Ad Animation Do’s and Do Not’s

Tips for making your display advertising creative stand out on a web page.

Art & Science of Display Ad Design for Marketers

There is an art and a science for designing display ads in all the required ad sizes that get served.

Media Channel Performance 101 for Marketers

The following benchmarks can be used when planning your first campaign, your channel lineup, in order to set performance expectations.