Best Uses for Every Door Direct Mail

EDDM is a direct mail marketing offering by the USPS that allows marketers to reach an audience without knowing any personal information.

Tag Glossary for Digital Marketers

What all uses for the word “tag” have in common is that a tag connects a digital entity to a person, place or thing.

Best Postcard Formats for Marketing

From copy and design to print, a postcard can get in mailboxes quickly without additional steps required for more complex self-mailers or envelope packages.

Marketing Attribution with Google UTM Codes

If you use Google Analytics on your website and you want to understand where traffic and/or conversions are coming from so you know what activity is attributed to your marketing efforts, then read on.

Blog Content Optimization

In order to drive traffic to your site and improve your search results, you need to be strategic in your writing.

Generation Playbook

A Marketer Generation Playbook

Marketers focus mainly on three generational cohorts that are actively contributing to the majority of online/offline purchase behavior in the United States.

Change the Channel to Engage Inactive Email Subscribers

A typical Win-Back strategy encourages marketers to send a compelling message via email 2-3 times before you permanently suppress subscribers from future emails. This doesn’t make sense anymore.

A QR Code’s New Life for Direct Marketers

Many marketers, who have been around a minute, lost the love for QR codes 5-10 years ago, but the use of QR codes has skyrocketed in Millennial and Gen Z pop culture.