Email Unsubscribe Best Practices

It may seem backwards to you when I recommend that you make it as insanely easy and obvious in all of your emails to unsubscribe from receiving future emails. Read on as there is a method to my madness…

A Marketing Automation Truth Bomb

Have you ever questioned whether your organization should invest in a marketing automation (MA) platform? Or if you have already invested in one, are you questioning if you really need it? If so, you’re not alone.

Email Accessibility Compliance for Marketers

Regardless of the lack of enforcement or penalty for noncompliance to website owners and marketers, the best practice for web development and email factors in accessibility to optimize ALL users’ experience (UX).

Helpful Email Design and Coding Best Practices

Email design and coding practices have evolved a lot in the last five years as responsive emails have become best practice. With a wide variety of screen sizes, from mobile to desktop, coding templates that render nicely in multiple sizes is a seriously niche skill.

Helpful Email Open Best Practices

The ultimate goal of an email is to get into the inbox, get in front of a recipient, entice them to open the email and then drive them somewhere to do something. Seems simple enough, right? Well, anyone who knows email marketing will tell you the devil is in the details.

Email Addresses are NOT Created Equal

When you are collecting email addresses on a form in exchange for free content, the quality of the email address matters. You can’t control which email address someone gives you, but you can control what you do with it once you have it.

Content Oopsies!

Since there’s no magic button that allows you to undo your mistake, what are your options? Depending on the severity of your blunder, you have options.

Can You Trust Your Email Reporting?

Do you rely on email open rates and click rates to measure the success of your email marketing efforts? What if I told you that you can’t trust either at face value?