Three Ways to Stand Out in the Mailbox

Consider the potential ROI of executing a direct mail campaign that stands out in the mailbox, rather than one that blends in.

CASL and GDPR Compliance Best Practices for Marketers

Marketers, as regulations like CASL and GDPR enforce compliance with dollar signs, and lots of them, make sure you dot your Is and cross your Ts and DO NOT assume IT is handling it.

Four Considerations for Creating a Direct Mail Budget

Much like how a contractor wouldn’t suggest you paint the walls before the roof is built, we wouldn’t suggest taking on a direct mail project without thoughtful consideration of your budget.

The Art of Making Copy Just Right

Maybe you write your own copy. Or maybe you hire a professional. Either way, it’s valuable and smart to learn about what makes copy effective.

INtelligent Data: Wild West of Digital Marketing

The United States has relaxed internet compliance and privacy laws making the digital marketing landscape more like the wild west. While we catch up to other countries with more restrictive laws on privacy and PII, what works and isn’t creepy are Website to Direct Mail programs.

email marketing list acquisition

Lead Generation’s Dirty Little Secret

Thinking about a list acquisition email campaign for lead generation to grow your business? Learn the pros, cons, best practices and realistic expectations.

Sending bulk emails using your work Outlook?

Have you always wondered why sending bulk email to multiple recipients from your work Outlook instead of an ESP is a bad idea?