How to Properly Sign your Holiday Cards

’Tis the season that makes all grammar and punctuation nerds cringe. I’m talking about Christmas cards and how to sign them. Specifically, how to correctly make your family name plural.

Three Myths about Marketing to Millennials

With such wide-ranging opinions on the birth-range and research around Millennial’s values, marketers must diligently avoid assumptions and myths to find the proper mix of modern direct marketing to get their messages in front of this group of buyers.

Content Marketing ROI

Oh no! Not another noisy display ad that drives you to content less useful than a henway. What’s a henway? About 5-pounds, but that is beside the point. If you’re trying to justify why content is worth the investment, read on.

Three Competitive Advantages of Direct Mail Marketing

For a modern direct marketer, developing the best mix of channels to deliver your message is a critical part of the job. In print and online, there are countless options for executing an impactful, multi-channel campaign.

Adding a Let’s Encrypt SSL to Laradock

Do you need a valid Let’s Encrypt certificate for your development environment? Yes. Yes, you do. Don’t worry. It is super simple.

Marketer’s Guide to The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018

The California Consumer Data Privacy Act of 2018 will impact all marketers who have California residents in their database, but what is the act actually supposed to do?

Three Side Effects of Direct Mail

Many marketers may not consider the positive (even if unintended) side effects that direct mail can have on your marketing as a whole. Let’s look at three side effects of using direct mail as a part of your overall marketing mix.

Five Guiding Questions for Experiential Marketing

Marketing is always inventing ways for an audience to experience a brand or product in a memorable way. That’s the whole point of marketing.