
What Marketers Need to Do Before Executing a Retargeting Program

We call it WebIDPlus, but our clients call it magic. And we do it differently than everyone else in the industry.

Marketing Communication Channel Overview

Your next campaign can test into as many channels as you have budget and creative for to get a baseline.

What is the ultimate marketing message for a consumer product?

The things that are required for success are hard work, an open mind, and ungovernable curiosity.

Tag Glossary for Digital Marketers

What all uses for the word “tag” have in common is that a tag connects a digital entity to a person, place or thing.

Best Postcard Formats for Marketing

From copy and design to print, a postcard can get in mailboxes quickly without additional steps required for more complex self-mailers or envelope packages.

A QR Code’s New Life for Direct Marketers

Many marketers, who have been around a minute, lost the love for QR codes 5-10 years ago, but the use of QR codes has skyrocketed in Millennial and Gen Z pop culture.

The Future of Direct Advertising

The now and immediate future of advertising is moving some of the ad budget away from radio, television, cable television and direct broadcast satellite and toward OTT advertising that allows for greater targeting, segmentation and most of all, measurement.