Successful Campaigns Require This – Are You Using It?

Direct marketers are ideally always looking for ways to reach a target in as many channels as they have budget for.

Image Only Email Header Graphic

The Up and Downsides to Image-Only Lead Generation Emails

If you deploy image-only emails, be ok with these four downsides and follow these four best practices.

What Does a Marketer Need to Know?

Marketing Managers are constantly having to make decisions about what products or services to buy to help sell their product.

Who Should You and Who Shouldn’t You Market To?

Gone are the days of indiscriminate carpet-bombing advertising with relatively benign messages.

Does Time or Money Play the Biggest Role in Purchase Decisions?

Promotion convinces people that spending time on their product is worth the opportunity cost of spending time doing something else.

Everything in Marketing Requires Negotiation – What Can You Do About It?

Marketing managers who stick to their analytical roots are more likely to be able to make good use of the other four sources of power.

What is the ultimate marketing message for a consumer product?

The things that are required for success are hard work, an open mind, and ungovernable curiosity.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Marketing Consultant: Who Knew?!

It is hard to imagine any better advice from a marketing consultant about messaging for a product.