Email Addresses are NOT Created Equal

When you are collecting email addresses on a form in exchange for free content, the quality of the email address matters. You can’t control which email address someone gives you, but you can control what you do with it once you have it.

Privacy Management and Consent Compliance for Marketers

How do you plan to manage privacy consent with ALL your digital assets by January 2020? How will people revoke consent and how do you plan to purge data when people do revoke consent?

Content Marketing ROI

Oh no! Not another noisy display ad that drives you to content less useful than a henway. What’s a henway? About 5-pounds, but that is beside the point. If you’re trying to justify why content is worth the investment, read on.

Marketer’s Guide to The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018

The California Consumer Data Privacy Act of 2018 will impact all marketers who have California residents in their database, but what is the act actually supposed to do?

Five Guiding Questions for Experiential Marketing

Marketing is always inventing ways for an audience to experience a brand or product in a memorable way. That’s the whole point of marketing.

Can You Trust Your Email Reporting?

Do you rely on email open rates and click rates to measure the success of your email marketing efforts? What if I told you that you can’t trust either at face value?

The Rules of Email Engagement

For anyone sending “eBlasts” on a marketing automation (MA) platform, listen up! You’re in for a world of frustration and deliverability woes. Why? Because marketing automation platforms, although technically capable, are not designed to batch and blast.

Five Tips to Avoid Being Filtered

Because ISPs and email server filters are adjusting their algorithms to handle the volumes of emails hitting them, and they are taking subscriber engagement metrics into consideration, avoid the filters with these five tips.